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  • How to choose the best truffle?

    Choosing the best truffle

    Finding a perfect truffle is not easy but it’s a fun adventure. When you are buying truffles you should check them very carefully. If the truffle does not look very clean or it is severely damaged or has deep scratches on the surface then it is not considered a preferable option. You need to know that all the truffles are not perfectly clean and all of them are going to be dirty to some extent, in addition to this some of them would be having holes and indentations also, so there is nothing much to worry about this because it’s completely normal. But remember that you should not choose the truffle that is severely dirty or overly damaged. In our shop, we brush the truffle and inspect it for you to ensure the highest quality of the truffle

    When you pick up the truffle and check out its weight and how heavy it feels. Observe whether the weight seems proper to the size. If the truffle you are holding is too light then it indicates that it’s already rotting inside or is dried out, which means that it is not fresh as it should be. The smell of a truffle is also a critical aspect of choosing a truffle so don’t forget to smell the truffle when you are buying it. The smell of every truffle is not the same and it varies a lot based on the type of truffle, so it means that different varieties of truffle would smell differently. For example, black truffles smell like red wine, chocolate, and earth, and umami. On the other hand, the white truffles smell more garlic and musky. You need to keep in mind that the truffle should not smell like ammonia, because if it smells Like ammonia then it indicates that the truffle is not fresh at all.

    If you want to check the freshness of the truffle then squeeze it gently. If you feel that it is not too soft or not too easy to squeeze then it shows that the truffle is fresh. Fresh truffles are hard and firm and they don’t give you a spongy feel. Many truffle products are manufactured in packaging so if you are in the mood to buy the packaged products then don’t forget to check the label carefully. For example, truffle oil does not contain truffles and it is not even extracted from the actual truffles but still, it can be called truffle oil. So in this case you need to be very careful while choosing truffle- based products. It’s not about the price but it’s about the product and if you are paying a decent amount for it then you deserve to get the best product.

    Size of truffle
    A 20-gram truffle is equal to the size of a ping pong ball.
    A 50-gram truffle is equal to a size of a chicken egg
    A 100-gram truffle is equal to the size of a tennis ball.
    A 200-gram truffle is equal to the size of an orange.

    Truffles are always best when they are fresh, but you can also keep them up to 2 weeks in a glass container at 3C to 7C. Make sure you wrap the truffle in a paper towel before placing it in a jar to avoid humidity. As truffles are a living body they need to breathe and sweat. In fact, truffles can lose up to 3% of their weight daily, so it is important to change the paper or fabric towel regularly. If you cant use the truffle while it’s fresh you can simply grade it and mix it with butter to make truffle butter, you can also freeze it for even longer storage.