“In fine, the truffle is the very diamond of gastronomy.” Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
SarasThe Trufamo Truffle Farm
Over the period of the last 20 years, we have spent day after day hand planting over 3000 oak trees, one tree at a time closer to the dream to be the best truffle farm in Europe. Day after day watering the grounds, giving a chance to spores from the truffles to form a sort of relationship with the roots of the trees, giving the fungi needed carbs whilst providing nutrients to the trees. This long and intense process is not for those without passion and patience.
IntroducingThe Truffle we grow
Summer Black Truffle "Tuber aestivum"
Summer Black Truffle
Tuber aestivum is a species of truffle in the family Tuberaceae. It was previously considered a variety of “Tuber melanosporum” and named as such in older texts. It is found across Europe, from Spain to Poland, and parts of China and Japan, where it forms symbiotic ectomycorrhizal associations with various species of pine and oak.
The summer black truffle is not as spectacularly fragrant and aromatic as the white truffle, but it does have a very nice perfume, much more subtle, but still quite lovely. They are better utilized by being cooked, to bring out the most of that subtly earthy chocolaty flavor as possible.
Summer truffles
They aren’t as aromatic as truffles found in the winter, but they still have their characteristic flavor. Summer truffles are harvested mainly in Italy just like most truffles.
The Tuber Magnatum Pico, Tuber Borchii truffle is known as the Marzuilli truffle and it is harvested quite frequently during the summer months. These truffles are also found mostly in the Piedmont, Tuscany, and Marches regions of Italy just like winter truffles. The average size for this type of truffle is about 2 ounces (about 56 grams).
Winter Black Truffle "Tuber melanosporum"
The winter black truffle is a prized delicacy that has been enjoyed for centuries. It’s known by many names, such as the “Périgord Truffle” or “The Black Diamond of Provence.” This mushroom grows mainly in Italy, Spain, and France where it lives under the shade of oaks, hazelnut, chestnut elm, and poplar trees. They are typically harvested from November to March with peak production around January and February.
The winter black truffle is actually more greyish with a hint of amber and black on the outside, with white spidery veins on the inside that indicate maturity (the summer variety will be of a more brownish color, but are the same size).
The Winter Black Truffle is highly sought after for its earthy, subtle aroma, and a taste once described as mixture of “earthy heaven”.
Winter White Truffle "Tuber magnatum"
The winter white truffle is a rare delicacy that has been celebrated for centuries. There are many varieties of this fungus, but the most prized type is found in Italy and France. The only difference between summer and winter white truffles is that one is harvested in the summer and the other in the winter. It’s pretty much straightforward. This truffle is celebrated for its garlicky flavor, reminiscent of shallots, and also an intense earthy and musky aroma. Fresh white truffles are not pure white, but more of a yellowish color.
Tuber magnatum pico: This truffle is often called a “Piedmont Truffle” or the “White Truffle from Alba” or “Italian White Truffle”, which indicates where the truffle originates, not the species of fungi.
Autumn Truffle “Uncinatum”
The winter white truffle is a rare delicacy that has been celebrated for centuries. There are many varieties of this fungus, but the most prized type is found in Italy and France. The only difference between summer and winter white truffles is that one is harvested in the summer and the other in the winter. It’s pretty much straightforward. This truffle is celebrated for its garlicky flavor, reminiscent of shallots, and also an intense earthy and musky aroma. Fresh white truffles are not pure white, but more of a yellowish color.
Tuber magnatum pico: This truffle is often called a “Piedmont Truffle” or the “White Truffle from Alba” or “Italian White Truffle”, which indicates where the truffle originates, not the species of fungi.

WinemakerThe Man behind the Farm
Jaime Rosello’s father had always been fond of hunting for truffles in the woods, and when Jaime was old enough, he too joined him on his trips. They would hunt diligently through the day, looking for signs that a tree or shrub might hold a precious morsel. It wasn’t until one fateful trip when they found their first truffle that Jaime began to understand how important this find could be. Perhaps most exciting for the umami-lover is the fact that Jaime has a new source for black winter truffles: his own farm. He trained his dogs to love truffle as much as he does.
“In fine, the truffle is the very diamond of gastronomy.” Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
Taste & ExperienceVisit Us
Located in the scenic valley of Mallorca. We are working on restoring a beautiful old villa to turn into a place where our guests can come to relax and enjoy truffle hunting with us.
Private visitation could be arranged upon request.
Discover our premium truffle.
Browse theLatest News
Can truffle oil upset your stomach?
The use of truffle oil is a great way to regulate blood sugar and insulin levels in the body. In small doses, it can also be used as an anti-inflammatory for those with pain caused by inflammation or irritation from stomach issues like diarrhea due to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
How is truffle oil made?
Truffle oil is the secret to making your favorite luxury item even more luxurious. This finishing rather than cooking variety can be used on its own or mixed with other ingredients, but it’s best when added at the end of a dish so all those rich flavors are warmed through before eating them up! The recipe is rather simple: truffles flakes are soaked in olive oil.
What truffle oil is best to use to make truffle fries?
It makes no such difference when it comes to oil for fries, just make sure it’s a very good natural truffle olive oil.
when truffle season
These fragrant fungi taste the best fresh, so you could enjoy white and burgundy truffles from September to December, winter black truffles could be found from December to early March, Blanchette truffles in February and March, and summer black and white truffles from May to August.
Which truffle is the best?
With their deep, rich coloration that is often compared to caviar; the Melanosporum (the black Perigord truffle) can be found in abundance. Logically it’s no surprise why this fungus has become so sought after for its flavor and expensive price tag too! If you want your dish equal parts elegant yet earthy then look no further than these Michelin-starred delicacies.
Why truffle is so expensive?
Truffles are one of the most sought-after foods in our world. They are expensive because they are difficult to find, frustrating to grow, and impossible to store for long – so you have little choice but to buy them as soon as they are on sale (which is not very often). Truffle bulbs can range from strawberry to apple size. Hunting for real truffles is a labor-intensive process, usually done with the help of sniffer dogs.
How to store truffle?
To keep truffles fresh, make sure you change the kitchen paper towel every 24 hours and wrap it with fresh sheets. This will ensure their longest life span!
A great way to store your truffles is by following these simple steps: first, clean all bowls used in making each treat before placing them inside an airtight container at room temperature for up two days if needed.
How does truffle taste?
The best way to describe truffles is that they really do taste earthy, with notes of fresh mushrooms and meaty. Some even say truffles have an aroma that smells oaky yet nutty at times too!
Are there poisonous truffles?
No truffles are known to be poisonous to humans. However, many mushrooms start out as belowground “eggs” that resemble truffles at first glance but can be distinguished from their spongy or cartilaginous feel by keeping your eyes peeled for more obvious signs like white tubes on stems- these Amanita mushroom species contain ibotenic acid which has been reported in some cases of death resulting due ingestion Ibotenic Acid
Can truffle salt go bad?
After opening, store in a cool dry place away from sunlight or heat. Truffle condiments have an extended shelf life of four to six months after they’ve been opened but should not be left out at room temperature for more than two days without refrigeration!
Can you find truffles in winter?
Italian and French truffle markets usually take place in October, but the truffles taste even better when they are harvested from November to January. This is true for local Burgundy truffles as well as for the Périgord truffles popular with gourmets.
What is the difference between summer and winter truffles?
A main difference between summer and winter truffles is that the black summer truffles (tuber aestivum) are much cheaper than the winter truffles. The summer truffles, with a price per kilo of up to 350 euros, have a good price-quality ratio and are therefore very often used in gastronomy. In contrast to the winter truffle, the taste is not so intense. The summer truffle is collected approximately from May to September.
Can you eat truffle raw?
You can add the black truffle, called Périgord truffle, raw over the finished food or also cook it in the corresponding dishes. The white truffle, called Piedmont truffle or Alba truffle, is very special and precious. For these reasons, this truffle is very expensive. This type of truffle would lose its characteristic aroma when heated.
How long will truffle oil last?
After opening, the truffle oil can be stored for a maximum of one month, moreover, the oil must be stored in a dark and cool place. The best place for this is the refrigerator. In addition, the shelf life must be noted on the bottle as the best before date. This applies to the storage of the oil in the unopened state. This date should not be exceeded for too long.