How to pick the right size of truffle

Hand selected black Truffle

Since we know that the cost of anything depends on its weight and the same is the case with truffles also. The cost of a truffle depends on how much it weighs, so before you decide to put truffles on the weighing balance make sure that you have cleaned the scale and removed all the dirt off it, even a gram makes a difference, and cleaning the balance would bring you accurate results. Experts say that it’s very easy to tell by smelling the truffle, whether it is good or not. For a truffle to be good it should smell slightly like garlic, mixed with a scent of honey and cut grass.

If a truffle has a smell of ammonia then it’s not a good option. The truffle that you are buying should be crispy and firm to touch. If this is not the case then that means that the truffle is too old and you should not buy it. In addition to this if the truffle that you are buying costs too little then it might not be of good quality, so in case you have any doubts then consult the market before buying truffles. If you are still in doubt then you may ask the dealer o scratch the truffle in front of you so that you can see inside it

Truffles can also be given as a gift, and if you are lucky enough to have truffles as a gift then you should follow these important steps and tips.

Clean the truffle thoroughly before using it, brush the truffle gently, and then try to rub it gently with a moist cloth until the dirt is fully removed. Now create space in your fridge and conserve the truffles in the fridge, wrapped, one at a time, in a cotton dish, towel, or paper cloth. You need to know that all the products spaced near truffles, such as meat, eggs, and dairy will also absorb the aroma. When you clean all the truffles then you can store the unutilized portion in a tightly sealed container which you can cover with rice. In addition to this, you can also conserve fat, for example, cover it in a bottle having good oil. You should cut truffles in different shapes, for example, Black truffles should be chopped, white truffles should be salted and then after that, you can add the polish to your butter. Don’t forget to add a pinch of salt. If you want to slice truffles easily without wasting time then get yourself a mandolin or a truffle slicer. This would be very helpful to you

If you plan to make truffle oil or put it in the sauce you can use a smaller size truffle. If u prepare pasta try to buy truffle in a larger size as it will bring the best aroma to the dish.