Winter White Truffle “Tuber magnatum”

The winter white truffle is a rare delicacy that has been celebrated for centuries. There are many varieties of this fungus, but the most prized type is found in Italy and France. The only difference between summer and winter white truffles is that one is harvested in the summer and the other in the winter. It’s pretty much straightforward. This truffle is celebrated for its garlicky flavor, reminiscent of shallots, and also an intense earthy and musky aroma. Fresh white truffles are not pure white, but more of a yellowish color.

Tuber magnatum pico: This truffle is often called a “Piedmont Truffle” or the “White Truffle from Alba” or «Italian White Truffle», which indicates where the truffle originates, not the species of fungi.

95,00 4.200,00 


Extra Grade: Oblong truffles about the size of ping-pong balls minimum size




20, 40, 60, 100, 200, 500, 1000


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Truffle specificationTasting notes

The most exclusive truffle in the truffle family, truffles are known for their most complex and strong aroma that had earthy, cheesy, a bit nutty, and slight garlicky notes. The truffle’s scene is a similar flavor profile when consumed, emitting a delicate blend of savory, and umami-filled nuances.